Triangle Nursery, Inc.

(Pinus nigra, Austrian Pine- POPULUS nigra italica, Lombardy Poplar)
PINUS taeda, Loblolly Pine
PINUS taeda, Loblolly Pine

Pinus nigra, 
Austrian Pine
Unusual bark texture, dark green needles, withstands city conditions well.
Zone 4
Each Per 10
3' B&B
4' B&B
5' B&B
6' B&B
Pinus strobus
White Pine (Semi-Sheared)
Each Per 10
30" B&B
36" B&B
4' B&B
5' B&B
6' B&B
8' B&B
Pinus strobus
White Pine (Natural)
Very Useful as screen plants
Zone 3
Each Per 10
3' B&B
4' B&B
5' B&B
6' B&B
8' B&B
Pinus taeda
Loblolly Pine
Fast growing pyramidal shape.  Dark green color.  Excellent screen plant in South.  Our plants are sheared annually.
Zone 6
Each Per 10
3' B&B
4' B&B
5' B&B
6' B&B
8' B&B
Pinus thunbergiana, 
Japanese Black Pine
Salt tolerant, irregular growing habit, deep green needles.
Zone 5
Each Per 10
3' B&B
4' B&B
5' B&B
6' B&B
8' WB
Pinus virginiana
Virginia Pine
Broad spreading, yellow green color.  Does well in poor soil.  Our plants are sheared annually.
Zone 4
Each Per 10
3' B&B
4' B&B
5' B&B
6' B&B
8' B&B
Platanus acerifolia
Bloodgood Plane Tree
Very resistant to anthracnose problems. Can withstand difficult planting sites. Exfoliating bark with maturity.
Zone 5
Each Per 10
6' B&B
1¼" B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. W.B.
2" Cal. W.B.
2½" Cal. W.B.
3" Cal. W.B.
3½" Cal. W.B.
4" Cal. W.B.
Platanus occidentalis
Rugged, strong growing. Has smooth almost white bark when developed.
Zone 4
Each Per 10
Per 100
Per 1000
6" S.B.R.
12" S.B.R.
18" S.B.R.
6' B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. W.B.
2" Cal. W.B.
2½" Cal. W.B.
3" Cal. W.B.
3½" Cal. W.B.
4" Cal. W.B.
Next Previous
Page #1
ACER buergerianum, Trident Maple - Acer platanoides, 'Emerald Queen', Norway Maple
Page #2
Acer rubrum, Scarlet Maple - ACER rubrum 'October Glory'
Page #3
ACER rubrum 'Red Embers',- ACER x freemanii Autumn Blaze
 Page #4
Amelanchier arborea cumulus, - Cumulus Serviceberry - BETULA nigra, River Birch 
Page #5
Betula nigra 'Dura Heat', Dura Heat Birch  - Chionanthus virginicus, White Fringe Tree 
 Page #6
CORNUS alba sibirica, Coral Red Dogwood - CORNUS kousa 'Rosa'
 Page #7
Cornus lutea, Yellowtwig Dogwood - Euonymus kiautschovicus 'Manhattan,
Page #8
FORSYTHIA intermedia spectabilis,- FRAXINUS pennsylvanica 'Patmore'
 Page #9
FRAXINUS pennsylvanica 'Summit',- Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Skyline'
 Page #10
Halesia caroliniana, Carolina Silverbell, - ,- HYDRANGEA quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea
 Page #11
ILEX crenata 'Glory' Glory Holly,- Juniperus virginiana 'Eastern Red Cedar
Page #12
Ligustrum ibolium, Ibolium Privet,- LIRIODENDRON tulipifera Tulip Poplar
Page #13
Lonicera fragrantissima, Winter Honeysuckle- Magnolia virginiana glauca, Sweet Bay Magnolia
Page #14
Malus 'Donald Wyman', Donald Wyman Crabapple - MALUS 'sargentii', Sargent Crabapple
Page #15
Metasequoia flyptostroboides, Dawn Redwood, - Picea pungens 'glauca', Colorado Blue Spruce
Page #16
Pinus nigra, Austrian Pine - POPULUS nigra italica, Lombardy Poplar
Page #17
PRUNUS cerasifera 'Thundercloud', - PRUNUS yedoensis Yoshino Cherry
Page #18
PYRUS calleryana 'Aristocrat' - Quercus coccinea, Scarlet Oak
Page #19
QUERCUS macrocarpa Burr Oak - Salix matsudana tortuosa, Corkscrew Willow
Page #20
SPIREA japonica Little Princess Spirea  - SYRINGA vulgaris, Common Purple Lilac
Page #21
TAXODIUM distichum Bald Cypress - Tsuga canadensis,Canadian Hemlock
Page #22
Ulmus parvifolia, Lacebark Elm - VlBURNUM x pragense Pragense
Page #23
WEIGELIA florida rubra - ZELKOVA serrata 'Village Green'
Triangle Nursery, Inc.
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 All rights reserved.