Triangle Nursery, Inc.
(Acer rubrum, Scarlet Maple - ACER rubrum 'October Glory')
ACER platanoides 'Royal-Red', Royal Red Maple
ACER platanoides 'Royal-Red', Royal Red Maple
Acer rubrum, Scarlet Maple
Brilliant fall color. Excellent in damp locations.
50' -75'
Zone 3
Each Per 10
Per 100
Per 1000
6" S.B.R.
12" S.B.R.
18" S.B.R.
2' S.B.R.
5' B.R.
6' B.R.
5' B&B
6' B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. W.B
2" Cal. W.B.
2½" Cal. W.B.
3" Cal. W.B.
3½" Cal. W.B.
4" Cal. W.B.
4½" Cal. W.B.
5" Cal. W.B.

Brandywine Maple

Zone 4
Each Per 10
6' B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. B&B
2" Cal. B&B
2½" Cal. B&B

Somerset Maple

October Glory and Autumn Flame cross. Tolerant to leaf hopper.
Zone 4
Each Per 10
6' B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. B&B
2" Cal. B&B

Sun Valley Maple

Red Sunset and Autumn Flame cross. Produces a very full head.
Zone 4
Each Per 10
6' B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. B&B
2" Cal. B&B

Acer rubrum, 'Autumn Flame' Maple,
Autumn Flame Maple (PP#2377)

Colors early and holds well into autumn. Brilliant scarlet fall color. A vigorous grower that branches heavily, forming a dense well rounded head.
Zone 4
Each Per 10
6'  Tr. B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. W.B
2" Cal. W.B
2½" Cal. WB

Acer rubrum, 'Bowhall'
Bowhall Red Maple (Columnar)

A good substitute for Armstrong. Good pyramidal shape, excellent foliage, bright red fall color.
Height 45'-50'  
Zone 4
Each Per 10
6' B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. W.B
2" Cal. W.B
2½" Cal. WB

Acer rubrum, 'Columnare'
Armstrong Maple (Columnar)

Fast growing columnar variety. It produces a very tall, narrow tree. It is widely used for street planting where space demands a tree which will not spread.
Height 50'-60'  
Zone 4
Each Per 10
6' B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. W.B
2" Cal. W.B
2½" Cal. WB

Acer rubrum, 'October Glory',
October Glory Maple (PP#2116)

A very popular Red Maple cultivar introduced by Princeton Nursery. Dark green summer foliage, turning brilliant red in the fall. Also recognized for its ability to color up under adverse fall conditions.
Zone 4
Each Per 10
6'  B&B
1¼" Cal. B&B
1½" Cal. B&B
1¾" Cal. W.B
2" Cal. W.B
2½" Cal. W.B
3" Cal. W.B
3½" Cal. W.B
4" Cal. W.B
Next Previous
Page #1
ACER buergerianum, Trident Maple - Acer platanoides, 'Emerald Queen', Norway Maple
Page #2
Acer rubrum, Scarlet Maple - ACER rubrum 'October Glory'
Page #3
ACER rubrum 'Red Embers',- ACER x freemanii Autumn Blaze
 Page #4
Amelanchier arborea cumulus, - Cumulus Serviceberry - BETULA nigra, River Birch 
Page #5
Betula nigra 'Dura Heat', Dura Heat Birch  - Chionanthus virginicus, White Fringe Tree 
 Page #6
CORNUS alba sibirica, Coral Red Dogwood - CORNUS kousa 'Rosa'
 Page #7
Cornus lutea, Yellowtwig Dogwood - Euonymus kiautschovicus 'Manhattan,
Page #8
FORSYTHIA intermedia spectabilis,- FRAXINUS pennsylvanica 'Patmore'
 Page #9
FRAXINUS pennsylvanica 'Summit',- Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Skyline'
 Page #10
Halesia caroliniana, Carolina Silverbell, - ,- HYDRANGEA quercifolia Oakleaf Hydrangea
 Page #11
ILEX crenata 'Glory' Glory Holly,- Juniperus virginiana 'Eastern Red Cedar
Page #12
Ligustrum ibolium, Ibolium Privet,- LIRIODENDRON tulipifera Tulip Poplar
Page #13
Lonicera fragrantissima, Winter Honeysuckle- Magnolia virginiana glauca, Sweet Bay Magnolia
Page #14
Malus 'Donald Wyman', Donald Wyman Crabapple - MALUS 'sargentii', Sargent Crabapple
Page #15
Metasequoia flyptostroboides, Dawn Redwood, - Picea pungens 'glauca', Colorado Blue Spruce
Page #16
Pinus nigra, Austrian Pine - POPULUS nigra italica, Lombardy Poplar
Page #17
PRUNUS cerasifera 'Thundercloud', - PRUNUS yedoensis Yoshino Cherry
Page #18
PYRUS calleryana 'Aristocrat' - Quercus coccinea, Scarlet Oak
Page #19
QUERCUS macrocarpa Burr Oak - Salix matsudana tortuosa, Corkscrew Willow
Page #20
SPIREA japonica Little Princess Spirea  - SYRINGA vulgaris, Common Purple Lilac
Page #21
TAXODIUM distichum Bald Cypress - Tsuga canadensis,Canadian Hemlock
Page #22
Ulmus parvifolia, Lacebark Elm - VlBURNUM x pragense Pragense
Page #23
WEIGELIA florida rubra - ZELKOVA serrata 'Village Green'
Triangle Nursery, Inc.
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